Granite effect laminate worktops are a fantastic low cost, low maintenance alternative to real granite. Create the same luxury look for less!

 Semi Gloss 

Trade Worktops

Black Granite Nimbus

From £119.00
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 Semi Gloss 

Trade Worktops

Taurus Beige

From £119.00
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  Textured Finish with Glitter  

Formica Axiom Worktops

Platinum Cyclone

From £249.00
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Granite Effect Worktops, a Perfect Low Cost Alternative to Real Stone

We supply a stunning range of laminate worksurfaces that are designed and manufacturerd around natural materials such as granite. They are the perfect alternative to create a luxury appeal to your home but without the added cost and maintenance that comes with natural stone. They are super easy to maintain and easy to install.
